Go Gently Into This New Year

It’s a new year, and for many of you, that means, setting goals or making resolutions. Looking forward with intention, setting goals, and making plans are great! However, before you start your next “challenge” or program, I want to encourage you to go slowly. Take the time to determine whether the work you intend to do is aligned with your values and will ultimately support you in obtaining and maintaining your goals in the long term. Many of you will commit to a diet or fitness challenge this month which will likely require you to narrow your focus toward that one goal. This is a huge commitment, and sometimes means neglecting other valued areas of your life in pursuit of this one goal. So, before you enter into a new challenge, ask yourself, 1) Does this add to my life, making it fuller and more meaningful? 2) Take a look at your life domains to determine whether your plan allows you to continue to stay committed to what matters to you in all valued areas, or does it limit your attention to some or all but one area? (Domains to consider: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Occupational). 3) Consider your why – Why do you want to achieve this goal? Is what really matters to you at a deep level going to be satisfied by achieving this goal or are you attempting to do what you think you’re supposed to do, what someone else wants you to do, or are you attempting to achieve this goal out of fear of failure? 4) And finally, if you do choose to engage in a challenge of some sort, attempt to do so with self-compassion and curiosity. Ask yourself what works, what doesn’t, what’s easy, and challenging and what makes it easy or hard. If it’s hard, ask yourself if it is because you are learning something new that will add to your life (if yes, persist) or if you are attempting to take something on that doesn’t fit within your values- what really, really matters to you. However you choose to move forward this new year, know that you don’t need a new you – you are already whole and wonderful and your success or “failure” in these endeavors do not lessen your value in any way – you are experimenting to find the behaviours and actions that best serve the best of you. Do this with love and self-kindness and I just know you will have a most wonderful year ahead. 

Love, Me
