Become your best self. Live your best life.

Caring, Nonjudgmental and Compassionate

Meet Holly

I am a Canadian Certified Counsellor and an educator with a Bachelor’s degree in Education, and a Master of Arts degree in Counselling Psychology. I enjoy individual and group therapy as well as offering workshops and courses. I love working with youth and adults and have a passion for supporting individuals who are struggling with life transitions, such as adolescence and midlife. In therapy and in my educational endeavours I take a person-centred and strengths-based approach. I am trained in several therapeutic methods, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Self-Compassion, Cognitive-Behavioural, Solution Focused, Narrative, and mindfulness-based therapies. However, I will use different models as required to meet client needs and that fall within my scope of practice. I provide counselling for various issues including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress management
  • Anger Issues
  • Relationship Concerns
  • Life transitions (adolescence and midlife)
  • Self-image and weight concerns
  • Trauma

I have more than twenty years experience as an educator who has championed Comprehensive School Health within the field for more than a decade. Working in a variety of multi-disciplinary environments has provided me with a strong foundation for taking a holistic and collaborative approach to mental health and overall wellness. I am excited to work with you to establish a strong therapeutic bond that will assist us in creating and working through a treatment plan that will help you to become your best self!

Therapeutic Approaches

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

An evidence-based form of cognitive behavioural therapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, combined with commitment and behavioural change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility.

Self-Compassion Therapy

Directing compassion inward which helps to buffer against the pain of managing difficult life experiences that are beyond our control as well as feelings of personal inadequacy, failures and mistakes


In addition to improving mood, regular mindfulness meditation practice has been found to improve interpersonal interactions by reducing reactivity and increasing response flexibility.


An integrative, evidence-based psychotherapy approach that has extensive research and proven efficacy for the treatment of trauma. EMDR therapy is one of few trauma treatment methods that has been endorsed by the World Health Organization, the American Psychiatric Association, and other international institutions. To date, EMDR therapy has helped many thousands of individuals from various demographics to find relief from many types of psychological stress and trauma.

Holly Emes Blog

Free-to-access tips, tricks, reflection points and therapy-inspired musings to ponder in your daily life.

Serving YOU

My personal experience has led me here to serve you. It is my absolute honour and passion to help others, like you, to explore and reprocess your history, redefine your values, develop useful and sustainable strategies that assist in defining and attaining seemingly unattainable goals and living your very best life! 

"All friendly feelings for others are an extension of one's feelings for themselves." ~Aristotle

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